YES | MARKETING 2024 was hosted by Andreas Lanz at University of Basel!
Monday, August 26
9:00 am: Registration at WWZ Building, Room S13 (Lower Floor)
9.15 am: Welcome by Andreas Lanz and Rolf Weder
9.30 am: Research Session with Klaus Miller (HEC Paris) „Consumers‘ Perceived Privacy Violations in Online Advertising“
10.30 am: Coffee Break
11.00 am: Research Session with Evert de Haan (University of Groningen) „The Impact of Ad Creativity on Ad Effectiveness: How Advertising Consistency and Uniqueness Drive Sales“
12:00 pm: Lunch Break
1.00 pm: Research Session with Alina Ferecatu (RSM Erasmus) „Categorization and Models of Decision Making: Differentiating Perception from Valuation“
2.00 pm: Research Rendezvous Session
3.30 pm: Coffee and Cake
5.00 pm: Social Activity
7.00 pm: Dinner @ 1777
10.30 pm: Drinks
Tuesday, August 27
9.30 am: Research Session with Ivan Guitart (emlyon business school) „Exploring the Interaction Between Television and Branded Search Advertising: Implications for Real-Time Synching Strategies“
10.30 am: Coffee Break
11:00 am: Research Session with Stephan Seiler (Imperial College London) „How Much Influencer Marketing is Undisclosed? Evidence from Twitter“
12:00 pm: Lunch @ Peng Dumplings
2.00 pm: Wrap up. And annoucement of next year’s location.
2.15 pm: Officially the sad, sad ending of the conference.
- Maren Becker
- Alex Bleier
- Keyvan Dehmamy
- Oliver Emrich
- Alina Ferecatu
- Sebastian Gabel
- Daniel Guhl
- Daniel Guhl
- Evert de Haan
- Ivan Guitart
- Sebastian Hohenberg
- Ann-Kristin Kupfer
- Andreas Lanz (organizer)
- Shantanu Mullick
- Max Pachali
- Nico Schauerte
- Christian Schulze
- Stephan Seiler
- Lena Steinhoff
- Lucas Stich
- Anne Ter Braak
- Dirk Totzek
- Simone Wies