YES | MARKETING Meeting 2024

YES | MARKETING 2024 was hosted by Andreas Lanz at University of Basel!


Monday, August 26

9:00 am: Registration at WWZ Building, Room S13 (Lower Floor)

9.15 am: Welcome by Andreas Lanz and Rolf Weder

9.30 am: Research Session with Klaus Miller (HEC Paris) „Consumers‘ Perceived Privacy Violations in Online Advertising“

10.30 am: Coffee Break

11.00 am: Research Session with Evert de Haan (University of Groningen) „The Impact of Ad Creativity on Ad Effectiveness: How Advertising Consistency and Uniqueness Drive Sales“

12:00 pm: Lunch Break

1.00 pm: Research Session with Alina Ferecatu (RSM Erasmus) „Categorization and Models of Decision Making: Differentiating Perception from Valuation“

2.00 pm: Research Rendezvous Session

3.30 pm: Coffee and Cake

5.00 pm: Social Activity

7.00 pm: Dinner @ 1777

10.30 pm: Drinks

Tuesday, August 27

9.30 am: Research Session with Ivan Guitart (emlyon business school) „Exploring the Interaction Between Television and Branded Search Advertising: Implications for Real-Time Synching Strategies“

10.30 am: Coffee Break 

11:00 am: Research Session with Stephan Seiler (Imperial College London) „How Much Influencer Marketing is Undisclosed? Evidence from Twitter“

12:00 pm: Lunch @ Peng Dumplings

2.00 pm: Wrap up. And annoucement of next year’s location.

2.15 pm: Officially the sad, sad ending of the conference.


  1. Maren Becker
  2. Alex Bleier
  3. Keyvan Dehmamy
  4. Oliver Emrich
  5. Alina Ferecatu
  6. Sebastian Gabel
  7. Daniel Guhl
  8. Daniel Guhl
  9. Evert de Haan
  10. Ivan Guitart
  11. Sebastian Hohenberg
  12. Ann-Kristin Kupfer
  13. Andreas Lanz (organizer)
  14. Shantanu Mullick
  15. Max Pachali
  16. Nico Schauerte
  17. Christian Schulze
  18. Stephan Seiler
  19. Lena Steinhoff
  20. Lucas Stich
  21. Anne Ter Braak
  22. Dirk Totzek
  23. Simone Wies