YES | MARKETING Meeting 2018

The inaugural 2018 YES | MARKETING meeting took place on August 20 and August 21, 2018. It was hosted by Christian Schulze and Simone Wies at Frankfurt School of Finance and Management. 


Monday, August 20

9.00 am: Registration, Coffee.

9.30 am: Welcome.

10.00 am: Research Session. Maarten Gijsenberg (University of Groningen):  “Knowing You, Knowing Me? Advertising Spending Patterns and Competitor Impact” with Vincent Nijs

11.00 am: Break.

11.15 am: Research Session. Valeria Stourm (HEC Paris): “Market Positioning Using Cross-Reward Effects in a Coalition Loyalty program” with Eric T. Bradlow and Peter S. Fader

12.15 pm: Lunch Break.

1.30 pm: Research Session. Sourindra Banerjee (Leeds University Business School): “Does Empathy Improve Marketing Performance? The Role of Cognitive Versus Emotional Empathy in High Autonomy Sales Environments” with Toby Norman, Jaideep Prabhu, and Fakir Md. Yunus

2.30 pm: Break.

2.45 pm: Research Session. Anatoli Colicev (Bocconi): “How Main Street Drives Wall Street: Customer Satisfaction, Short Sellers, Stock Returns, and Risk” with Ashwin Malshe and Vikas Mittal

3.45 pm: Break.

4.00 pm: Ride through Frankfurt on the Historical Ebbelwei Express

6.45 pm: Dinner at Restaurant Oosten

10.00 pm: Cocktails at the Fleming’s Selection Hotel

Tuesday, August 21

9.30 am: Research Session. Cathy Liu Yang (HEC Paris): “Communication of Product Novelty and Usefulness” with Anirban Mukherjee, Ping Xiao, and Amitava Chattopadhyay

10.30 am: Break.

10:45 am: Research Session. Andreas U. Lanz (University of Mannheim): “Engaging Prospective Influencers – An Alternative Approach to Influencer Marketing in User-Generated Content Networks” with Jacob Goldenberg, Daniel Shapira, and Florian Stahl

11.45 am: Lunch Break.

1.00 pm: Wrap-up. And Award Ceremony

2.00 pm: Officially the Sad, Sad Ending of the Meeting


Work @ YES | MARKETING Meeting 2018
Fun @ YES | MARKETING Meeting 2018


  1. Sourindra Banerjee
  2. Maren Becker
  3. Alexander Bleier
  4. Anatoli Colicev
  5. Evert De Haan
  6. Keyvan Dehmamy
  7. Alexander Edeling
  8. Thomas Eichentopf
  9. Siham El Kihal
  10. Oliver Emrich
  11. Maarten Gijsenberg
  12. Ju-Young Kim
  13. Andreas Lanz
  14. Stefan Mayer
  15. Klaus Miller
  16. Néomie Raassens
  17. Jochen Reiner
  18. Hans Risselada
  19. Jason Roos
  20. Christian Schulze (Co-Organizer)
  21. Samuel Staebler
  22. Lucas Stich
  23. Valeria Stourm
  24. Anne Ter braak
  25. Sebastian Tillmanns
  26. Dirk Totzek
  27. Arjen Van Lin
  28. Arnd Vomberg
  29. Nico Wiegand
  30. Simone Wies (Co-Organizer)
  31. Cathy Yang